Route am 15.9.2012 durch die Londoner City

15. 09.

Annual protest march in central London

"Secular Europe Campaign"

Jährlicher Protestmarsch der "Kampagne für ein säkulares Europa" gegen Kirchenprivilegien, den Status des Vatikans und seine wirtschaftlichen und politischen Privilegien in Europa, staatlich geförderte Konfessionsschulen. Für Religionsfreiheit und Meinungsfreiheit, Gleichberechtigung und Selbstbestimmung und ein säkulares Europa.

We protest against

  • the privileged status of the churches under Article 17 of the TFEU (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union)
  • the privileged status of churches in countries where they are established
  • the special status of the Vatican at the United Nations and its economic and political privileges across Europe
  • state-funded religious schools

We promote

  •     freedom of religion, freedom of conscience and freedom of speech
  •     women’s equality and reproductive rights
  •     equal rights for LGBT people in all the European Union
  •     a secular Europe – democratic, peaceful, open and just, with no privilege  for religious or belief organisations
  •     one law for all, no religious exemptions from the law
  •     state neutrality in matters of religion and belief


Assembly: 13:30 Storey’s Gate
March: 14:00-15:00 Storey’s Gate, Parliament Square, Bridge Street, Embankment
Rally: 15:00-17:00 Surrey Street (Temple Place)