24. 05. - 27. 05.

EHF General Assembly and Conference 2012

For EHF-members and interested people in Utrecht

On the last weekend of May 2012 the Humanistisch Verbond (Humanist Association, Netherlands) will host the annual EHF conference and General Assembly in Utrecht. The Humanist Association will be working closely with the Dutch Humanist Alliance of humanist organisations in the Netherlands and the European Humanist Professionals (EHP).

The conference is entitled: 'Citizenship as a daily practice. How can European citizens overcome indifference'. Its aim is to explore how humanists view citizenship and how we can play a role in overcoming indifference by developing our moral strength and resilience. The conference programme will include a keynote speaker and various sessions on the subject by European professionals. Topics that are likely to be covered at the conference are citizenship in relation to:

    information overload
    moral counselling
    getting people involved
    economic instability.

Friday 25 May (morning): General Assembly for members of the EHF and its member organisations
(afternoon): Open Meeting on EHF activities and policies
(evening): Conference opens with keynote speaker.

Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 May: Conference: 'Citizenship as a daily practice'. Conference dinner on Saturday evening.

EHP members will be given the opportunity to visit Dutch humanist professionals at their workplace.

The conference will take place at the University of Humanistics, in the historical centre of Utrecht.

For whom:
The conference is open to everyone but will appeal especially to all members, staff and board/committee members of EHF member organisations and other humanist and secularist organisations, to professionals dealing with citizenship and the topics mentioned above, and to academics and politicians.

More information:
In the coming months, a website will be be created especially for this conference.